What does your oral health have to do with the rest of your body? Find out at the next Baycrest Health Talks session, led by Registered Dental Hygienist Sarah Beam. Learn what dry mouth, bad breath, teeth grinding and more may reveal about your overall health. Then, get your questions answered during our Q&A. This Health Talks session will be based on the article “What Your Mouth Says About Your Health” by Holly Bourne, published in Chatelaine Magazine. When: Thursday, February 20, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. (noon) Where: In person at Baycrest’s Centre for Health Information, first floor of the Apotex Centre OR Virtually – register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/Axe3qu5VQFqE-bkCIQeyzA#/registration
Health Talks is a new workshop series at Baycrest’s Centre for Health Information (CHI), organized by the Patient, Family and Consumer Education Program. Health Talks aims to improve your understanding of consumer health information and increase your awareness of false or misleading publications. Each month, a Baycrest health professional will present and discuss a consumer health article from various sources, such as the news and magazines, on a topic related to aging and wellness. The Health Talks series is sponsored by the Ada Starkman Community Lecture Series Endowment Fund. If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Pede, Project Coordinator, Patient, Family and Consumer Education (PFCE) at SPede@baycrest.org.
Explore the link between how our brains work and the everyday habits we form.
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Get the guidance and support needed to keep up with changes in technology.
Improve your understanding of consumer health information.
Free, weekly drop-in program to help older adults take charge of their digital knowledge.
Learn how to proactively map out your aging plans and make transitions on your own terms.
Gain the tools you need to plan and manage your financial future effectively.