What do psychologists do? Psychologists are involved in the assessment, treatment, and prevention of behavioural and mental conditions. Psychologists use a variety of approaches directed toward the maintenance and enhancement of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, behavioural and interpersonal functioning. Psychologists are trained as scientist-practitioners, meaning that they have expertise in both research and clinical practice. What psychology services are provided at Baycrest? At Baycrest, psychologists work in many different settings in the hospital and ambulatory care. The types of psychology services provided include the following: Neuropsychological assessment is used to diagnose cognitive (thinking) problems and to help with treatment planning Cognitive intervention programs provide clients and family members with cognitive training, maximizing function through compensation, and psychosocial support Behavioural consultation assists care teams in the management of challenging behaviours in patients and residents with severe cognitive disorders such as dementia Psychologists at Baycrest are also involved in clinical research, program evaluation, teaching, training students, and developing brain health innovations. All psychologists who provide clinical care at Baycrest are part of the Neuropsychology and Cognitive Health program. Psychology qualifications Psychologists at Baycrest are registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. Learn more about psychology programs and services at Baycrest here.